Senin, 19 Oktober 2009

History of Islam and Mathematics

# *152. Bjørnbo, A. Thabits Werk über den Transversalensatz (liber de figura sectore) mit Bemerkungen von H. Suter. Herausgegeben und ergänzt durch Untersuchungen über die Entwicklung der muslimischen sphärischen Trigonometrie von H. Bürger und K. Kohl. Erlangen: Mencke, 1924.
The edition of (the medieval Latin translation of) Thabit's treatise on the transversal theorem is followed by a survey of the work of many Islamic authors on the theorem of Menelaus and related theorems in spherical trigonometry.
# *153. Debarnot, M.T. Introduction du triangle polaire par Abu Nasr ibn `Iraq. Journal for the History of Arabic Science 2 (1978), pp. 126-136.
On the introduction of the polar triangle in spherical geometry.
# *154. Debarnot, M.T. Trigonometry.
Published in: *23, vol. 2, pp. 495-538.
# *155. King, D.A. Universal Solutions to Problems of Spherical Astronomy from Mamluk Egypt and Syria, in: Kazemi, F., McChesney, R.D. eds., A Way Prepared: Essays on Islamic Culture in Honor of Richard Bayly Winder, New York: New York University Press, 1988, pp. 153-184, reprinted in *188.
``Universal'' means: for all localities.
# *156. Lorch, R. Jabir ibn Aflah and the Establishment of Trigonometry in the West.
Published (only) in: *189 no. VIII.
# *157. Luckey, P. Zur Entstehung der Kugeldreiecksrechnung, Deutsche Mathematik 5 (1940), pp. 405-446.
A fundamental study of the emergence of the concept of angle in a spherical triangle in the 10th century

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